Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Microsoft's Yahoo! Bear Hug

A tremendous amount has been written about Microsoft's bid for Yahoo!, so just a quick note on my perspective:

- I absolutely love the bold approach. The level of the bid really only gives Yahoo management two options: Sell to MSFT or find a white knight. Convincing shareholders that independence is the best route to unlocking value would be a laughable exercise.

- Watching the flailing about by the tech media and Yahoo insiders for potential alternatives to MSFT has been highly amusing. Points for creativity, but none of these fantastical imaginings will come to pass.

- Google needs to watch itself. While it has vastly expanded its lobbying resources in the last few years, Google doesn't always show a lot of maturity. As a near-monopolist in search and internet advertising markets, it needs to be careful about making overstated objections to this merger that will come back to haunt it when it goes to make a big acquisition down the road.

- Microsoft has a lot of work to do. Getting this deal past the regulators will be no mean feat, particularly in Europe. However, the bigger issue will come in dealing with merger integration on a scale Microsoft has zero experience with. We'll want to check back in a few years on how this one works out.

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